
Autumn is slowing coming to central Missouri. Usually by now all the trees have lost their leaves, but this year most of the trees still have green leaves on them.

We went to the nature center again today to go for a hike. I remembered to bring along my camera this time. Some of the trees are changing, but most are still green.

I was fascinated by the huge trees there. I couldn't get the entire tree in one photo and still get the detailed shots that I wanted. So most of my photos of the large trees are taken in 3-4 shots. I think they will make good subjects for future quilts :D Hannah tells me that I turn everything into a quilt - ha! What can I say, it's an occupational hazard :D

Speaking of quilts - the customer quilt I'm working on is coming along nicely. I took a long time deciding what to quilt into the alternate blocks. The customer wanted feathers, but I couldn't come up with anything that looked right. Paul had bought me a new quilting book for my birthday and it gave me an idea of a feather to create. It's always nice to see someone elses work to get the imagination jump-started! I hope to have this quilt done by the end of the week.

Hannah is going to start piecing a quilt this week. She's making a quilt for a friend of hers using some oriental fabrics. The quilt will have a center panel of a dragon with an inner border of orange print and an outer border of black fabric that has a texture that looks like dragon scales. It should be very cute.


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