I Can't Believe I Did That!

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that something just isn't quite right? You look and ponder and worry and still can't figure out what is wrong, so you just go on working on a project. What else can you do since you don't know for certain there REALLY is something wrong.

I've been looking at my new quilt - over and over and over again - trying to figure out what is wrong with it. It just didn't look right, but no matter how much I stewed over it, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. So I kept working. I finished the blocks, stitched them together, added the borders, marked the quilting lines, loaded it on the quilting machine, quilted it, bound it, and tossed it in the washer to wash out the blue pen marks. As of this minute it is in the dryer on low to damp dry it.

I have to say that the quilting went remarkably fast and easy. That's just one more sign that something wasn't quite right, but I attributed it to the fact that I had 8 weeks away from the machine and was energized and ready to complete a quilting project.

Having a few minutes on my hands before getting homeschool work started with Sarah, I decided to go through my photos of quilts on the computer to decide if I wanted to post any of those photos on my blog. There it was! The very first quilt in the file was of the quilt I made for a friend from the same pattern. It looked different!!!! So I zoomed in on the blocks and low and behold, I saw my error. I hadn't completed the pieced blocks-ugh! I am missing the base on every single basket block :( Of course I'm not going to rip out all the quilting and take apart the blocks and start over, so I'm going to come up with a different name for this block and the quilt and go from there.

The question now is what to name them - hmmmmm! Any ideas!

Here's a photo of the quilt I made previously with this basket block pattern.

Notice the basket blocks complete with bases-ha!

Here's a close-up view of the basket block.


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