
This morning was rainy, but the sunrise was beautiful. I had to take a couple of photos to share. It always amazes me how quickly the colors change in a sunrise. A promise of a new day.

Shortly after I took this photo, the skies opened up and it poured. This view overlooks the Missouri River although you can't see the river due to the bluffs. In the evenings sometimes, we can see the mist rising from the river over the bluffs. Soooo pretty!

The trees are slowly starting to change colors here. I'll have to get out and take some photos soon.

The quilt I'm working on is going well. I'm almost finished with the borders and will quilt the alternate blocks next, then the pieced blocks. I'm using an Amish curling feather in the borders and another feather motif in the alternate blocks with some straightline ruler quilting in the pieced blocks.

As of now, we are planning a trip to Reeds Spring the weekend of November 17th and 185h. Paul's parents are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary!

Well I'm not able to upload any photos right now due to a problem with the program. I'll have to post the sunrise photos at a later time.


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