More Quilt Photos

Here are a couple more photos of the "Swans Around the Baskets" quilt. This weekend I completed the alternate blocks (white blocks) and today I'm working on the basket blocks. I didn't get as much quilting done today as I wanted. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow I'll get the quilt finished.

Paul and I worked on building a doghouse this weekend. Those of you who have been to our house before may have noticed that we had a very large doghouse for our outdoor dogs. That's because they liked to get into the house together. We couldn't move that doghouse with us so we built another one. This one is a double doggy too :D Paul ran out of time to complete the roof before the rain started so he quickly screwed down a piece of plywood flat on the top of the house. He'll make a real roof later.

Here is a photo of what I found in the doghouse this afternoon :D It may end up being a playhouse instead of a doghouse!


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