Quilt Shows

I don't have a single quilt ready for a show this year, but I need to get started. The Kimberling Area Library is having their annual Spring show this coming Saturday. I know several customers have quilts that I have finished for them that they are going to show. This is a Show and Tell type show - no place finishes or ribbons. It's a lot of fun to see what everyone else has been working on. I'm not certain I'll make it for the show this year :(

A family friend/semi-relative (my sisters in-laws) are having an open house at their property in September. It's at Gatewood Gardens in Galena, MO. I'm quilting 12 quilts for Joe to display and sell at his open house. I've also been invited to set up a booth and sell my own quilts! It's a great opportunity to get some feedback, so I need to get started making quilts. Now I have several small quilts put away that I use for show & tell and samples for quilting customers. I could mark them for sale and work on additional quilts. I just haven't decided what to do yet.

The bird quilt I'm working on is coming along. Only 3 more blocks and it the top will be done. This is turning out to be quite a large quilt. I thought to put borders on it, but that may make it too big. I'll have to evaluate that once I have all the blocks done and assembled.



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