Rainy Days and Mondays

That's what today is! It's been raining and thundering and lightning almost all day - at least since 9am. I was going to go shopping then get school done then quilt, but the rain has changed all those plans.

Sarah and I did get out and run an errand for Paul, but that was between downpours. As soon as we completed that errand, the rain started again. The girls and I did our shopping in the rain 2 weeks ago and I can tell you we did NOT have fun getting soaked to the skin pushing a cart full of groceries 1/2 way across the parking lot, so I put off shopping until tomorrow - if it doesn't rain!

And since I refuse to run my quilting machine in a thunderstorm and thereby risk blowing out the $10,000 machine which would now cost me $15,000 to replace, I couldn't quilt. And because I refuse to run my domestic sewing machine in a thunderstorm because a power surge could blow out the $1000 machine that would now cost me $6000 to replace, I couldn't piece my Bird quilt. Sooooo, the only thing left to do after getting school done was to clean house :( How sad is that?

Laundry is all caught up too and the floors are clean, vacuumed and free of toys - for the present. Bathrooms are clean, too - except Hannah's and I don't know what shape it is in. That's her job to keep it clean so I imagine it isn't-ha!

For dinner tonight we're having Jambalya. I was going to roast a chicken, but Hannah has decided she's allergic to chicken. I think she's developing a spastic colon and it doesn't like the greasy chicken strips she had for lunch yesterday, but there's no talking her out of it - she's decided she's allergic to chicken.

Between church services yesterday, I did more quilting on the "Mystery Woman" quilt that is hanging up in my dining room. That quilt never did hang straight because I have heavy quilting in the center and light quilting in the outer border. I ripped off the binding and stippled around the border motifs, then reapplied the binding. That binding was 2 inches too long after doing the extra quilting so that shows you how much a quilt can shrink with quilting. The quilt hangs better now, but still not perfect. The center now seems too big! I need to block the thing, but I still don't have an area for that. I did finally price 1" thick foam board insulation at Lowes that I need for blocking quilts. It will cost me a bit over $30 for 2 pieces, but I haven't had the chance to purchase it yet.

If the thunderstorms ever stop, I'm going to get another one of my quilts on the machine. It's the snail trail quilt top I stitched up this winter. I'm anxious to get it finished. I have a long list of UFO's that I need to get completed - about 15. That's going to take a while.



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