Rainy Days

It has been raining since yesterday morning and we are soggy! Our backyard is like a pond. The water is running down the hill some, but mostly standing in the yard. fortunately the dogs have sense enough to stay in their dog house and out of the rain.

The girls and I had to do some shopping today and it didn't look like it was going to stop raining anytime soon so we headed out to JoAnn Fabrics where I picked up some batting and backing fabric for the Kimberling Area Library quilt.

Next we stopped at McDonald's for lunch then went to Aldi's to buy groceries. By the time we got home and unloaded groceries - in the rain of cours - we were soaked through. We made hot tea for Hannah and me and hot chocolate for Mot to warm us up.

I've decided to hold off on painting the bathroom for a day or two and get caught up on laundry today. It's about all I can handle right now.

For any of you who don't know about it - there is an on-line shop-hop going on. You surf a list of on-line quilt/fabric shops and look for an emblem, click on it to register and you qualify for prizes depending on if you meet the required number of registrations. I think it's 130 visits to qualify for the grand-prize drawing. I've been surfing some of the shops and out of 10 sites I visited, I only found 2 of the emblems! They don't make it easy as they are hidden within the site. Many of those sites are hugh so you have to really surf to find them. It's really a lot of fun to see all the fabrics on-line. I've book marked some of the sites to visit later.

I've been looking for some 1930's repro fabrics to finish the quilt with the basket blocks I inherited from my grandmother. There isn't a quilt shop here in JC, only JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby and Walmart to purchase fabric and none of them have 1930's fabrics. If I want to go to a quilt shop I have to drive to Columbia which is about 30 miles away. I haven't been up there yet. But I did find one site on the shop-hop that sells 1930's fabrics and I think I'll buy some there. I'm looking for some softer, more pastel 1930's fabrics and I couldn't find them in Springfield - they were all very strong colors. Since the fabrics in the blocks are strong colors I want something less eye-catching for the alternate blocks. Ordering on-line will save me the gas money to drive to Columbia.



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