Train and Birds!

Mot has really enjoyed her train set. In fact we have added 2 more trains to her set and several pieces of track. Today she spent her allowance on a 3rd train. This one is Gordon. So she has Thomas, Dennis and Gordon. She wanted to buy 2 more trains, but I held her off until she earns more allowance! The track is getting big enough now that it's going to take over the living room floor pretty soon.

Hannah is working on a science project and making a model of the earth. She has a cross-section model made from a styrofoam ball. I didn't realize how much styrofoam costs now. I spent $10.00 on an 8" ball! I told her to be careful with the project so we wouldn't have to buy another ball-ha!

I went through my quilt's in waiting and realized that I had 4 of Betty's quilts, not 2, so I have one of them on the machine now. I'm doing pantographs on her quilts so they won't take long. Once I have her quilts done, I'll start on Ginny's art quilt. That quilt will take me longer than the 4 of Betty's quilts put together.

I started cutting the pieces for my bird quilt yesterday. These are abstract birds kind of on the same line as goose chase blocks, only these are larger and have 6 pieces to them instead of 3.. The birds will be in bright colors and the back ground fabrics will resemble a sunrise. I need to get a design wall put up somewhere before I go any further so I can see the quilt in progress. It will take some work to get the background fabrics in the right places and the bird pieces in the right colors in the correct places so they will show up.



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