Part 3 Wedding Gown Quilt

Another close-up of the quilting.
Another view of the top center of the quilt. This is after binding and reapplying the roses. I had to take the roses off while I quilted to keep the quilt flat and smooth.

This is the bottom of the quilt - the train of the wedding gown.

A full view - or as full a view as I could get - of the wedding gown quilt after binding. This was a long project but I think it turned out pretty well.


Joan J said…
This is absolutely stunning.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you, Joan.
Ginny said…
I think that is the most amazing quilt I have ever seen. It is absolutely beautiful!
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Ginny. This is the most challenging quilt I have ever attempted, but it was well worth the effort.
Merete said…
This is absolutely gorgeous. I can just dream about making something like this. Huge Merete in Norway
A work of art! You have done a beautiful job.
Millie said…
Susan, the wedding gown is absolutely beautiful. Your quilting is excellent! You must be so impressed with what you have accomplished.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you, Millie. I am very proud of how this quilt turned out.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you, Jeanne.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you, Merete.
Pat said…
This is our oldest daughters wedding dress. We are extremely pleased with Susan's artistry. You really need to see it up close to appreciate her detailing.

We look forward to bring any future projects to Susan for she really is an artist.
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you, Pat. It was a priviledge to work on this quilt.
Shirley said…
It is glorious! Shirley Paterson

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