Two Projects

The cutaway trapunto is completed on my latest wholecloth quilt. This photo shows the back of the quilt after I spent 8 hours cutting away the trapunto batting. It doesn't look like much, but I'm hoping for a nice quilt once I've completed the quilting.
This is a little baby quilt made from a Moda Charm pack and extra yardage. This is for our newest addition to the family, our first grandchild, due to make an appearance sometime in February :D
Tomorrow will be busy with fabric postcards and cutting fabric for a mystery quilt, and hopefully starting on a customer quilt.


Millie said…
The whole cloth quilt will be gorgeous as usual. After you spent all that time cutting away batting and then your lovely quilting, you will have another great quilt. The baby quilt with pretty happy colors are pretty too.
Ginny said…
I love the baby quilt, such pretty colors! Oh a new grandbaby you must be so excited, is it a girl or boy?
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Millie and Ginny. If the ultrasound reading is correct, it's a girl!

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