A Quilter's Ramblings

This week has been busy with one more customer quilt completed and a 2nd one in the works. I'm also working on designing another wholecloth quilt for competition. I'm looking for something a bit different from feather designs so I've been looking at library books on Art Nouveau, Celtic designs and Victorian ornamental designs. I haven't decided which way to go yet.

One thing I haven't found locally is cotton sateen in wide widths. I don't want to piece the top, so I purchased some Robert Kaufmann Kona cotton. It's silky and smooth and I'm anxious to see how it quilts up.

Another quilt in the planning stages is a Rhapsody quilt. I have Ricky Tims book and worked on a couple of dozen (really!) patterns last year, but was not satisfied with what I came up with. This past week, in between quilting and homeschool and researching wholecloth designs, I drew more Rhapsody patterns and came up with 2 that I like. This will be a long project and I'm not counting on it being finished before next year. I'm hoping to find fabric that will inspire me at the LQS.
This is a Rhapsody design I made last year that I colored in my paint program. This isn't the design I plan to make, but it's one of the better ones I came up with last year.

My DH encouraged me to sign up for classes at MQS this year. We live fairly close - about 2-3 hours away - and I missed it last year because I had to have thyroid surgery during the Showcase :( In fact, I've missed MQS the past several years due to either surgery or some other family events going on. I've signed up for classes for 4 days, leaving me plenty of time to see the quilts and shop :) I'm really looking forward to attending this year.
The "Flight at Sunrise" quilt is still waiting for borders. I'm going to dye some fabric next week to see if I can come up with something that will work.
Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to finish one project before starting on another.


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