Final Stretch

I have one last quilt of Joe's to quilt. It's ready to be pinned on to the machine and quilted. I'll get to it tomorrow if my day goes as planned. Then I have to bind all 12 quilts! That will take some time. My deadline is before September 1st so I should be able to make that.

Then it's on to my landscape quilt challenge. I have until September 1st to complete that, too. I have the pattern drawn on the freezer paper and have started selecting the fabrics. This challenge is through Valerie Hearder's yahoo groups e-list. My biggest challenge will be to embellish the quilt.

In between quilting projects, I'm working on some dolls to send to an orphanage in Ethiopia. My friend Tracy has designed 2 sizes of dolls and I'm helping her make them. Her "Cuddle Dolls" are adorable and I'll start working on them in the next week or 2. She's sending me the parts :) The other is a smaller size called "Droplets". I've made 24 of the so far and am working on another batch of 50. They are good handwork to do in the evening while watching TV.

Here is a photo of 3 of the Droplets I have made.



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