Orphan Project

Here is a photo of the Droplet dolls I have made for the African Widows and Orphans Project. This project is based out of Spokane, WA, and the dolls will go to the children in an orphanage in Ethiopia. There are 65 dolls in this photo, but I've completed 8 more since the photo was taken, so we have 73 to send :D

The pattern for the dolls was designed by my friend Tracy Arnold-Chapman. She is a talented artist who has designed many "Softies". Check out her blog at http://www.cremebrulefox.blogspot.com/

In addition to the Droplet dolls, Tracy and her friends at her church are making 200 larger dolls for the children in the same orphanage.

On the quilting side of life, I'm working on binding Joe's 12 quilts. I finished one yesterday and have another one started today. My goal is to finish binding at least one per day until they are all done.


Unknown said…
What a wonderful thing to do..God bless you!

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