Snow Capped Mountains

I've spent the past 2 days working on the landscape quilt challenge. Once I chose the fabrics for the quilt, the assembly went together very smoothly. Glue basting the seams helps tremendously in holding the pieces together so I can hand applique them without using pins. Those pins always catch the thread and tangle it up making me want to give up on hand applique.

I spent several hours yesterday doing thread-play on the top, adding small Aspen and pine trees to the hill on the right with variegated thread. I also added the dimension to the mountains with a silver rayon thread. I started out using colored pencil for the mountains, but didn't like the affect. So I used the pencil to mark the areas I wanted to fill in with thread. It worked great!

Today I've spent time adding an inner border of black solid fabric and an outer border of a green batik. Then I drafted an Aspen tree on tracing paper and transferred that pattern to light weight fusible web. I chose a white-on-white fabric for the tree which I will embellish with fabric markers or colored pencils to give the bark texture to the tree.

The leaves were cut freehand with a pair of scissors in a large "bough" of leaves, then I added confetti pieces of different gold fabrics on top of that to give color and texture. I fused everything together to make one large applique. That is now pinned to the lower right-hand corner of the quilt waiting for fusing.

I pinned the quilt onto the design wall and studied it for a while and decided that it needed more to balance it out. I really liked the Aspen tree as it added a bit of color to the composition, but it also made the quilt look "heavy" on the right side. So, I drafted another Aspen tree for the right side and fiddled with it for over an hour before decided to cut it in half lengthwise as well as in heighth and put it just inside the black inner border. I don't have any leaves on this tree and haven't decided if I want to add them.

This is how it looks at the moment.



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