Happy Independence Day!

We're waiting for the sun to go down so we can start our fireworks. Paul BBQ'd pork steaks and we bought potato salad, baked beans, macaroni salad and a green salad to go with the steaks - YUM!

I spent the day painting my kitchen. Here is the before picture. The walls are a chocolate milk color. With the brown cabinets and hardwood floor, the kitchen was pretty depressing even though it gets a ton of natural light.

Here is the after picture. I used Pale Marigold paint by Color Place. It's a nice cheery yellow, but not so bright that it screams at you - like my master bathroom did. That room is a nice pale green now.

I decided to paint today because it was relatively cool out - especially for July. It only got up to 75 degrees! We're usually dealing with high 80's and 90's in July. So I opened all the windows and doors and got busy painting.

Tomorrow it's back to quilting :)



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