Weekend Trip

This past weekend, my husband and daughters and I took a quick trip to our former home town to see our son and other extended family. I took 4 quilts to Joe that I had completed and brought home another 6 to quilt and bind. Joe has a Trip Around the World quilt entered in the Ozark Empire Fair this week that I quilted for him. I don't remember the quilt, but he said that I didn't quilt it as a show quilt, but he still wanted to enter it. I hope he earns a ribbon for it anyway. If I had known he wanted to enter it, I would have quilted it as such.

Anyway, we had a nice visit and now I have to get back into the swing of things. I spent most of today catching up on laundry and did a few other chores around the house. Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping and do more house cleaning.

My aunt sent me a quilt top to quilt this weekend also. So I have quilting to keep me busy.

My landscape quilt is still hanging on the wall waiting for quilting and embellishment. I still can't decide if I want to leave the trees on it or quilt it without them and possible embellish with some beading. I'll probably end up doing both-ha!



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