It's HOT!

We have had realtively cool weather for August this year - that is until yesterday! The wind changed and we're getting the warmer winds from the south. That means we're also getting humidity that is making the 85 degree temperatures rather unbearable.

So, I turned on our a/c yesterday for the first time in about 3 weeks. Guess what happened? It got hotter in the house than it was outside-ugh! The repairman came out today and said our compressor was dead :( That means we need to replace the outside unit because it's so old that replacing the compressor just isn't going to do the trick. Of course it will be a week until they can get the new unit in. In the meantime, we're sweating it out - literally!

Fortunately, we have a window a/c in our master bedroom so I'm camping out here until the new a/c is installed. I don't tolerate heat due to thyroid medication I'm on. I overheat very easily and very quickly, so I have to stay in a cooler environment if I don't want to take a trip to the ER. Who would? I'd much rather take a trip to Alaska :D Our bedroom is large enough that we can all camp out here with plenty of floor space for everyone to sleep so we aren't too badly off.

I have 6 customer quilts to complete - deadline isn't until the 1st of November, so I'm o.k. there. The basement is even hot right now, so I'm not going to be quilting.

I homeschool my youngest daughter and we managed to get all our schoolwork done at the dining room table today, but we really pushed through it, not taking any breaks to be able to get everything done before it got too hot. Next week we'll do school in the bedroom with the window a/c. It is supposed to stay hot for the next week or so.

My nephew moved in with us today, too. He's attending a local community college and will be boarding with us. I feel so sorry for him having to move in when it's so hot and our a/c is broken. He's studying HVAC - how's that for ironic!



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