The Osage River

This afternoon, we were invited to spend time with friends on the Osage River in Missouri. The Osage had been over flood stage several times this spring and summer but is now down to normal. We spent a wonderful day riding on the jet ski's, eating bar-b-que, and enjoying visiting with friends.
This photo was taken by Hannah, my 12 y/o daughter, while the sun was setting over the Osage River. It was a nice, relaxing day.
The weather has turned fall-like in central Missouri the past week or so. It still gets up to the 80's in the afternoon, but the evening and night temperatures are down in the 60's. It feels like fall will come early this year.
Last year it stayed in the 90's way into October, so we may be getting a reprieve this year. The water of the Osage is still very warm and comfortable. The river traffic was busy with lots of boaters and jet skiers. We don't own a jet ski ourselves, but our friends do and are generous to take us out on the river with them. We are "floaters", but the traffic on this part of the Osage is a bit too busy for our taste in floating. We hope to find a good place to float in central Missouri next year. This year has been too busy for us to get out and enjoy much recreation.
Quilting has been on hold for the weekend. I finished quilting the Sudoku quilt and will be ready to start another small quilt early this week. Once I get the binding on the Sudoku quilt, I'll post a photo of it.
Tomorrow is the first day of school for my girls so I'll be busy with that. Hopefully our first day will go smoothly. My oldest daughter attends public school, but my youngest homeschools. Our days are pretty full with school work, and quilting really slows down until we get a rhythm established with our new routine. I have only one customer quilt that has a deadline, so that one will be the first to go on the machine after I finish one of my small quilts. Then I have 5 more customer quilts to complete before I get back to my own projects.


Julianne said…
I was browsing you blog and noticed that you live in Jefferson City. My daughter lives in Barnett about a 30 minuet drive from Jefferson City.. I saw your post about the Osage River..I live on the other end of the Osage, almost where it becomes the Osage. The river is very different on this end. I enjoy your blog and your quilts. Landscape quilts is on my list of things to do. I just have not gotten to them yet.

Susan Loftin said…
It's a small world, isn't it! We haven't lived in Jefferson City for very long and are still learning the area. It's been fun,though. I hope you get around to trying landscape quilts. They are fun to make.

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