Thread Painting

Today I have spent a great deal of time on improving my thread painting skills. I'm working on an on-line class given by one of the ladies on my landscape digest. She's a very talented landscape quilt artist and teacher. Shirley has been so helpful to everyone on our list, giving suggestions and tips on how to improve our landscape quilt work. What a treasure!

Like most quilters, I have several projects in process right now. The quilt I'm making for our bed is on the design wall in the block stage. The blocks are done with the sashing attached and finally set in the order that I want to stitch them together in. The borders are cut, too, so I'm just needed to set aside time to stitch all those blocks together - 42 of them. When I'm done, I should have a queen-sized quilt top ready to quilt.

Did I mention that I have several projects in process-ha! What an understatement! I don't even remember the number of quilt tops that are waiting to be quilted that are my own - there is my "Birds" quilt, a tesselating star top, a mystery top, a wallhanging or 2 or more that I can't remember what they are (I'll have to dig those out of my storage bin). I have those 9 landscape quilts on the machine waiting for quilting plus 3 more on my design wall.

Then there is the double wedding ring quilt that I am piecing for my mother (don't tell her that I've been procrastinating on that quilt). It took me a while to get the rhythm of piecing those melon sections, but they are finally done! Now to tackle piecing the melons to the the center pieces!

I have one landscape quilt to bind as well as my "Wild Cats" quilt.

Now to list my customer quilts - o.k. I'll just tell you that I have 7 waiting to be quilted. They will be first priority after I get those landscape quilts off the machine.

My normal routine is to machine quilt during the day and piece and/or bind in the evening - all around my family's schedules. This is Monday through Friday. Sometimes I get a lot of quilting accomplished, but other times it takes me what seems like forever to finish something. Weekends are for my personal projects and family responsibilities.

I think I'll work on a new routine and finish up what I have in progress before starting something new. Think that will ever happen ;)



Susan said…
I've never managed to keep things reasonable in the starting-projects realm, so I don't think there are many who can. =)

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