New Look

I like change. Once in a while I have to shake things up - a new quilt, a new haircut, a new pair of jeans.

Today it's a new template for my blog :) I think the green background is a better fit for the landscape quilts I've been posting recently.

Today we had a house full of HVAC workmen. Our a/c went out a few weeks ago and the diagnosis was the compressor was shot. The furnace wasn't adequate for the house either, so we had everything replaced. OUCH! It's a good thing we just closed on our house in southern MO or we wouldn't have been able to afford it. It's really nice to have cool air and low humidity in the house again.

While the men were running in and out of the house, sawing, drilling, hammering, etc., I got the binding sewed onto the backs of the quilts that I started yesterday. Sarah was thrilled that the Sudoku quilt was hers. She hasn't put it down since I finished it. It's the perfect size for a 4 foot tall girl to cuddle under - especially when she isn't feeling well :(

I just answered the door and found 2 men from a roofing company at the door. "Did you know you've lost some shingles off of your roof in 2 places"? Well, actually it's in 3 places, but yes I knew. We had to fix the a/c first, then we'll fix the roof. The roof has 2 layers of shingles on it so it won't leak when it rains. It was more important to us to get the a/c fixed in the 90* weather of August. So we'll be dealing with roofers next - after the insurance company comes out and does their inspection. I've got the roofers business card so we can call them. They wanted to climb up on the roof right then and there and give me an estimate. I think we'll do it the way the insurance company likes to proceed with claims.

Right now I need to get dinner on the table.



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