Thread Painted Flowers

The past few days I have been working on my thread painted project. I spent 5 hours yesterday adding more thread painting to my flowers. I'm happier with them now. These were stitched to InnerFuse that works as a stabilizer and will give the flowers dimension when added to the background and quilted.

InnerFuse has a fusible on both sides, but I didn't use the fusible when I made the flowers. I will probably use it when I applique the flowers to the background, though.

Next step is to chose the background fabric and the vase fabric. I've spent quite a bit of time this morning going through my stash - again - auditioning fabrics. The fabrics I had chosen this weekend didn't work well with the flowers, so I'm trying again. I have a couple of fabrics chosen and will work with them later today to see how it all comes together. I have a light blue background fabric and an orange/rust batik for the vase. They seem to be getting along well together laying on my kitchen table ;) so they may do the trick.

Yesterday, my daughter decided she was ready to quilt her landscape quilt. So we went down to the studio and played with thread. Here is her finished landscape just waiting for binding.

The sky fabric is an Indian (India) Batik and I really like the affect it gives. I've used this fabric in one of my own landscapes, and I need to see if I can find more of it for future quilts.



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