We also have some yellow daisies behind the shed closer to the tree line. It's fun to discover what is growing around here.
My husband Paul is planning to do some landscaping in our front yard. It is already planted with several bushes, but they have overgrown the area they are planted in. I'm not certain what he is going to end up doing, but we'll have some work ahead of us.
Now that the soil has dried out a bit, I'm hoping to get the canna bulbs and daylilies planted this weekend.
Quilt-wise I'm binding the seascape quilt. The binding is stitched to the front by machine and this afternooon I'll work on hand-stitching it to the back. Then on to another of Joe's quilts.
I'm trying to pace myself to a bit slower pace than I usually keep. I overworked myself on Monday and Tuesday and paid for it yesterday. I didn't have enough energy to do anything other than pop a pizza into the oven for dinner. I also took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon - something I never do unless I'm recovering from surgery - which I am-ha! I just have to keep reminding myself of that.