I've been busy crocheting in the evenings to finish a couple of projects. The photo above is a crocheted dishcloth. It is one of several that I have completed over the past month. I'll use a couple of them as "White Elephant" gifts at our Sunday School Christmas party next week.

Here is a close-up of a few of the crocheted snowflake ornaments that I've also been working on. I soaked them in heavy spray starch and pinned them to a piece of cardboard covered in plastic wrap and freezer paper to dry. Today they will be ready to attach a hanging cord to and hung up on the tree.

This photo shows the entire set that I have crocheted these past weeks.
I finished piece the quilt top for Debby's Snowman quilt yesterday and today I'll be loading it on the machine and start quilting. Once that is done I still need to get my son's quilt on the machine and quilt it. I'll do an overall design on that quilt. It's a tesselating star quilt. I made this quilt when he was around 8 years old and tied it to make a quick gift. That was pre-longarm days. I decided it needed to be quilted on the machine before I gave it back to him. It's been stored in my closet for the past few years, but DS has decided he wants to use it again.
I love the croched snowflakes. They're gorgeous. I don't know how to crochet. Your work is fantastic.
I'll check back later to see the quilt you are quilting for your son.