My quilt guild is making quilts for children in the foster care system. At our last meeting, we sorted fabric and stitched together blocks to make quilt tops. The one above is one I completed at the meeting and brought home to quilt. The blocks were already made. All I did was add the sashing and borders.

This quilt top I finished this afternoon. The squares of fabric had been cut to size as well as the strips for the alternate blocks. I stitched the strips together and cut them to match the size of the other blocks, then stitched them together in rows.
So I now have 2 tops to quilt up and bind in time for our next meeting.
I have a quilt on the machine at present that I'm hoping to finish up on Monday. It's a customer quilt with an applique rose design on a black background. It's stabilized at this point and I've quilted around the applique. I'll echo around the applique in the borders and quilt in feathers in the body of the quilt. I'll post photos once it's done.
Those are two wonderful quilts. I love finishing something someone else has started. It always makes me feel speedy!