Beaded Serenity Beach
The majority of the time I feel like I'm not making any progress on my projects. I get my customer quilts done, but with my own projects I make very little progress for the most part. I know it's because I have soooo many projects all going at the same time and can't seem to focus on just one, get it done, and then move on to the next one.
Yesterday between church services and late in the evening I decided to work on a few of my projects that were just about finished and try to get them completely finished. Serenity Beach was the winner! I had a little beading left to do on the mountains and the sky as well as the larger beads on the foreground. That only took about an hour to do. Now it's complete and shining with all the beads. Yes, I went overboard with the beads, but once I got started, I couldn't stop! I'll need to learn restraint when applying beads to a quilt!

Yesterday between church services and late in the evening I decided to work on a few of my projects that were just about finished and try to get them completely finished. Serenity Beach was the winner! I had a little beading left to do on the mountains and the sky as well as the larger beads on the foreground. That only took about an hour to do. Now it's complete and shining with all the beads. Yes, I went overboard with the beads, but once I got started, I couldn't stop! I'll need to learn restraint when applying beads to a quilt!
The Southwest Landscape got borders applied last night, too. I'll post a photo on that one tomorrow. Before working on the SW Landscape quilt, I finished coloring one of the blocks in my feather sampler quilt. I now have 3 blocks colored on that quilt with 3 more to go.
Late last week I finished up a set of fabric postcards for a challenge in Valerie Hearder's Yahoo Groups. These are monochromatic landscapes. They will be heading out to Ireland, Canada, and Tennessee just as soon as I can make a trip to the post office. I also made a few extra to send to Shirley for the Carma House Postcard Project. I'll post photos of these postcards at a later date, too.
After telling myself yesterday that I need to finish up some of my projects before starting another new one, I signed up to send a small art quilt for Ami Simm's Alzhiemer's Art Quilt Initiative this morning. This is a challenge put out by Valerie Hearder on her yahoo groups. She wants to get 30 quilts sent by September 30th made by members of her group. I already have an art quilt in progress that will fit the size suggestions for this project, so I'm really not starting a new project, but giving myself an incentive to finish up one that's in my WIP stack. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!