Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! It's Cold Outside!

Yesterday it was down in the 20's. This morning it's 9*! Hannah couldn't find her coat and had to wait at the bus stop for her bus, so she had to wear her brother's coat. She prefers not to wear a coat at all, but there was no way I was going to let her stand in 9* weather without a coat.

It is supposed to be warm this weekend up to 60*, so the girls and I plan to take a few hours off and go to the nature center and walk the trails. We haven't been there since early October so this will be a fun change for us.

The nature center also has a group that gets together once a month to make quilt blocks. This year they are starting a new theme which is symbols of Missouri. I think I'll join and have some fun making quilt blocks with this group of people. By the end of the year I'll have 12 new blocks to set into a quilt top.

We're trying to get back to our normal routine, but it's going to be slow going. This is a short week and getting into a routine will be hard. The girls are tired from their Christmas vacation just as I am, so we're going to take it easy the next 3 days and slowly ease our way back into a routine. That means I have to go grocery shopping to buy some easy to cook meals. On second thought, grocery shopping sounds like my normal routine :)



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