
We have more changes going on with our lives these days. We accepted a lease/purchase offer on our RS house and will be making a quick trip down there this weekend to move out the rest of the furniture we have in the house. Luckily we don't have a lot of furniture there so it won't be such a big job to move it out. The new occupants will move in the following week.

Since we'll be moving the furniture back to JC, I spent yesterday clearing out the family room so we have space to put the couches. We only had the computer and my old treadle sewing machine and a TV in there, but we also had our Christmas tree up so I took that down. That in itself took most of the afternoon.

Today it should be back to our regularly scheduled programing! School, cleaning and quilting.

We had some really heavy thunderstorms last night, but we didn't lose power. The tornados that hit our area were northwest of us, so we didn't have to tend with that. At one point we had some extremely loud thunder and as a result, both girls and the cat were in bed with us-ha! They didn't stay long, though. It was too crowded and with the temperatures being so warm, everyone was too warm.

I'll have to go outside today and see how many shingles were blown off the roof, though. We lost several shingles the last time we got winds this strong.



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