Quilting Update

For those of you who are quilting customers, I thought I would update you on my schedule. Things have gotten behind (not atypical for me) due to my mother's illness shortly before Christmas. Mom is doing a bit better and we expect her to continue to improve over the next 4 weeks. I spent a couple of days before Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Years at my brother and SIL's house helping out with Mom and rearranging/remodeling her apartment to make it easier for her to move around in. Mom is now having to use a walker to get around and she needed some work done on the apartment in order to have enough space to move around. We still have work to do to get it completely remodeled, but we will be doing that work over a span of a few months.

So, for quilting.... I will be able to get most of my orders out by the end of January. I am currently working on Ruth's quilts, one of which has been on my machine since mid-December. Then I'll have Joe's quilts next then Lorraine's, and then Betty's. I'll have Lorraine's and Betty's done in time for the March KAL show and tell.

Anyone who has a quilt that they are considering to place in a show either locally or nationally, please let me know. There are tricks and techniques that I do differently on show quilts from other quilts that help the quilt earn ribbons in shows. There are several national shows each year as well as numerous local shows in which you can show your quilts whether or not you are a member of that particular association. I get several quilts each year that I feel will do well in quilt shows. There is soooo much talent out there among my customers :D

There are deadlines for entering quilts so that needs to be kept in mind. Also, a quilt can be shown in several shows each year and usually it qualifies for shows for up to 2 years from the date it is completed in national and international shows. Some of the local shows allow you to show it for up to 3 years from the date it is completed. If your quilt doesn't place in one show, try it in another.

In other news - we have a lease-purchase contract on our house that we are trying to decide whether or not to accept. We have to make a decision by tomorrow, so please keep us in your prayers. With the housing market being so slow, this may be our last chance to sell the house before our loan is due.



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