Home Improvement

Today I'm catching up on laundry - a never ending chore, and quilting. I'm working on Ruth's last quilt and hope to have it done by the end of the week. It' has very pretty pinks and soft greens in it. It's a very "spring" season-type quilt.

Tomorrow I have to drive to O'Fallon to take my mother to her physical therapy appointment. She is making improvement this month and will probably have more therapy next month.

Paul, the girls and I went to the Home Builder's Association show in Jefferson City this Saturday. We have a lot of home improvement projects that we want to complete on this house and got some good ideas from vendors at this show. I'm expecting calls from a couple of companies to make appointments for estimates.

We are wanting to install a stair railing on our front porch. It's about 5 feet high and doesn't have any kind of railing on the steps or the porch. Before I have customers come over to the house, we have to get that fixed.

There is also a company who finishes basements with a wall system that can double for a design wall for my quilting studio :D I really anxious to get an estimate from them. It has been too cold this past week to do any quilting because the single digit temperatures were seeping into the unfinished, stud walls. That new wall system should make a hugh difference.

We want to replace the sliding glass door in the kitchen with a french door, and the front door which is steel with a vinyl clad door. That door faces east and gets extremely hot in the summer to the point that you can't touch the doorknob. We were told that the heat build-up was due to the storm door trapping the heat. We need to exchange that for a vented door.

Then the kitchen needs some updates - more cabinets for the most part. I would like to tear out what we have and start over, but that will be too costly. I have been working on a layout where I can add a pennisula that will be about 5 feet long as well as a cabinet system on one wall that will serve as a china cabinet and linen storage.

Another option is to reface the cabinets, but I'm not certain I want to go to all that work. It will be easier to match cabinets as best I can and add them and not worry about adding the cabinets and then refacing everything to match.

So we have lots of plans floating around on top of the ones we already had - repainting all 4 bathrooms and installing new vinyl in 2 bathrooms. We also want to pull up the carpet in the dining room and living room and install hardwood floor. Most of these projects will have to wait until we close on the RS house so it will be next fall before we are ready for the larger projects. Painting can be done now as well as the vinyl floors. It's basically finding the time to do them!



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