Poor Hannah!

Hannah is very susceptible to colds and flu. She has been since we brought her home from India at 10 months of age. As she gets older, she doesn't get sick as often, but she still gets a bad cold 3-4 times a year. Today is the second day she is home sick from school with a bad cold. I can always tell when she is starting to get sick. She starts having small symptoms days in advance and then it hits her hard. At least she isn't running a fever with this cold, but she's still pretty miserable.

I postponed Sarah's Gotcha Day celebration for a few days. She's fine with that since she still doesn't get the concept, but she loves getting presents. I have to take Hannah to the orthodontist later this afternoon and will pick up a cake then. We'll have a party tonight for Sarah complete with cake, chocolate ice cream (her favorite) and a present. I have to choose a present yet, too.

I finished both of Joe's quilts yesterday and hope to get started on Ruth's last quilt today. Then I have Lorraine's to finish and then Betty's quilts and then Ginny's quilt.

Over the weekend, I decided to pull out Ricky Tims' Rhapsody Quilt book and look at my sketches. I redrew a couple of them and decided on one I want to work on. A trip to JoAnne's and a purchase of 5 packs of fat quarters and some yardage of complementary fabric and I'm set to go. Now to get the nerve to enlarge the pattern and start cutting into the fabric. This will be a long project and I need to get batting tacked up on a wall in the basement so I can keep quilt pieces organized for this quilt.

Just before Christmas I started doodling on a sheet of paper, drawing out a quilt pattern. I had to rework the pattern to make it easier to piece. I'm itching to get started on that quilt, too. I'll never get all the quilts done that I have ideas for, but I keep trying!


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