Gearing Up

We're getting snow again this morning. It was predicted to start around 5pm., but I guess it was in a hurry :) Mot is in 7th Heaven. She LOVES snow! We ran out to Aldi's around 10am to pick up groceries for the next 2 weeks and it started snowing while we were in the store. Mot has been in and out of the house ever since we got home. They were predicting 3-5 inches of snow. Now that it has come so much sooner than predicted, I don't know what the update is. I'll have to watch the news at noon to see if we're expecting more.

It's warmer today so I hope to get quite a bit of quilting done. It was way too cold in the basement yesterday to quilt and Tuesday was spent traveling back and forth from here to O'Fallon and back so I didn't get to quilt. Yesterday I was battling a headache, so I didn't quilt then either.



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