Grand Canyon Take 2 or 3?

Grand Canyon I

Grand Canyon II

Grand Canyon III

Here are my three Grand Canyon quilts. The one on the top is my first attempt - the one I didn't like. I decided not to take it apart, but to leave it as is and try again.

The Grand Canyon II is my second attempt. I chose almost all different hues and values throughout the quilt after studying the photograph some more. But, I didn't like how the center area of the quilt came out - the values of the fabrics were too much the same color and texture.

This time I just took out 2 pieces and replaced them, basically changing the location of one fabric and adding a lighter value to the other.

You may also notice that there are more pieces to the 2nd and 3rd quilts. I decided after studying the photo, that there needed to be more detail left in. It was also an opportunity to separate the colors of the tops of the mesas.

The shrubs that are in the foreground of the photo will be added either with thread painting or with more fabric with thread painting added on top. I haven't decided which way to go on that yet.



Anonymous said…
H Susan

I just love your Grand Canyon wallhangings and would like to see the finished quilts with all the thread painting.

Susan Loftin said…
Thank you for the compliment. I will post photos of the quilts after I have them thread painted and quilted. It may take me a while to get all that done, though.

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