More Landscapes Part 2

Grand Canyon III. This is from a view of the canyon from the south rim.

Vermillion Cliffs II. This is just a slightly different view of the the same cliffs as the Vermillion Cliffs from the last post.

The remnants of Ike have passed through our area and the weather has turned cool and cloudy although it is supposed to warm up into the 70's again tomorrow. I hope it does since we have 5 butterflies to release. My daughter Sarah and I have been studying butterflies in school and we have raised 5 Painted Lady butterflies from the caterpillar stage. They just broke free of their chrysalises this weekend. We've had a lot of fun with this project,'s but now its time to release them. Sarah is sad about that :(

We found out today in church that one of our families has a daughter in Texas who has lost her house due to flooding from Ike. I know she is one of thousands who are in the same situation, but she also lost her home due to Rita and just finished rebuilding a year ago. I can't imagine what it is like to go through this kind of loss one time much less two.



Anonymous said…
I've given your blog the Kreativ Blogger Award. Check my Desertsky Quilting blog in about 30 minutes. =)

I love the series of Grand Canyon quilts. They are just so gorgeous!

I can't imagine, like you, what it must be like to have everything wiped away by a storm, and then have it happen again!

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