Quilting Studio

I have been wanting to update - or should I say "finish" my quilting studio. Currently, I am located in our walk-out basement. Aside from our master bedroom it is the only room in the house large enough to accomodate my 14 foot longarm machine table. The problem is that the room is unfinished.
The outside walls are the framing and insulation. The ceiling isn't finished, and I don't have enough storage for quilting/sewing supplies or even a sewing machine cabinet. The floors are concrete which I can live with since I have the anti-fatigue floor mats down on both sides of the quilting machine and now in front of the drafting table that I use as a cutting surface.
First things first - I need to get the walls and ceiling finished. Hopefully they will be done this fall somewhere around the kitchen/dining room remodel that we have planned. That in itself will make the space brighter and cheerier. The floor I can live with the way it is for an extended period of time since I have the anti-fatigue mats. That will be one of the last things I re-do. After the walls are finished, I want to get in more storage for fabric and quilts. I don't have a super large fabric stash because I don't have the storage. I give away fabric when I'm out of space or speed up my quilting and piece more tops :) But I would love to have floor to ceiling shelves full of fabric.
I'm also pricing sewing machine cabinets and tables. I'm thrilled at how far sewing cabinet design has come since I was a teenager quilting with my mothers Singer Touch and Sew. Right now I'm looking seriously at a SewEzi portable sewing machine table. They are reasonably priced and you can add a light box insert which is something I use a lot with my landscape quilts. You can also purchase inserts so the table can be used with different brands of sewing machines.
I like the idea of a portable sewing table that I can take to retreats and quilting classes, or just move around in the studio until I find the perfect spot for it.
So for now, I'm in the dreaming and planning stages. I have a spiral notebook with ideas, products and goals set. I have even drawn up a plan of my studio space to scale on graph paper. The biggest drawback is finding the time to get the work started.


Michele Bilyeu said…
This space is awesome and the possibilities will come in time. Even shelves and drawers of fabric and all of the sewing will brighten up and hide the basic walls etc. It's the heart of the quilter that is the decorating magic one sees in a room and your's is shining so brightly! This will be just great!
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm having fun designing this studio. Susan

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