Kreativ Quilter Award!

What a nice surprise to open my email this morning and find a message that I have been awarded the "Kreativ Quilter Award" by Susan at Desert Sky Quilts for my blog! Sooo exciting and such an honor! Please check out Susan's Desert Sky Quilts blog here.

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.

2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.

3. Nominate 5 blogs.

4. Put links to the blogs.

5. Leave a message for your nominees.

I read so many blogs and they are all creative so it was a tough choice for me to narrow it down to only 5. I finally narrowed it down to 5 blogs from artists who inspire me in some way and who haven't received this award before.

1. The Quilt Rambler - Karen Overton from Texas is a longarm quilter and teacher who has been displaced by Hurricane Ike. She inspires me with her creative quilting, love of purple, and her love of God. And not to mention her cute puppy, Pixie :D

2. Exuberant Color - Wanda S. Hanson from Northern Illinois. Her blog name says it all! Just looking at her colorful quilts makes me smile.

3. One of a Kind Fiberarts - Shirley Paterson from Calgary, Alberta is an artist in many different media. The realism in her landscape quilts and her generosity of teaching her art to others is an inspiration.

4. Quilts and Machine Quilting by Millie - Millie Kriel of Lake Jackson, TX is another longarm quilter who has been displaced by Ike. Her quilting is beautiful.

5. All Things Quilty - Jeanne Turner McBrayer from North Carolina is another longarm quilter and talented fiber artist whose work I admire.

Please visit these ladies' blogs and enjoy their art!



Thank you for this nice surprise! I have enjoyed reading your blog. Your landscape quilts are wonderful!
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you Jeanne. I really enjoy making landscape quilts, and reading other quilters blogs.
Shirley said…
Susan - thank you so much for
the Kreativ Quilter Award. I am glad you like my work.

I just opened my blog and I am very appreciative that you like it.
I feel you have become my friend. Isn't it wonderful that so many people are showing their work on line!

Shirley Paterson

One of a Kind Fiber arts.
Susan Loftin said…
It is wonderful that so many people are showing their work on-line. It is very inspiring to see what other quilt artists are doing.
I too feel like we have become friends - something that would never have been possible without the internet!
Hi Susan,
what a treat to finally be able to connect to the internet today and upload my continuing saga of Ike and what a nice surprise to see that you nominated me for some sort of award - not sure I understand it all at this point, will have to review at another time since my time is limited on a borrowed computer (grin) but want to thank you for following my ramblings - which I soon hope to get off Ike and back on quilting!! hugs from soggy texas karen O
Susan Loftin said…
I hope you will be able to get back on-line soon and get everything dried out and back to quilting soon.
Anonymous said…
I just got my internet service back after hurricane Ike. Thank you so much for the award. After two months of blogging, I'm not sure how the award really work. I also really liked your blog.
Susan Loftin said…
I'm glad to hear you have internet service again. I hope you didn't sustain too much damage from Ike.

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