Quilt Hangers and Goals

The new quilt hanger is dry and I switched it out for the hanger in my daughter, Hannah's quilt. I've taken a picture of both hangers together to show the contrast between the 2. I think I like the painted dowel the best. It could use another coat of paint and a coat of sealer, then it's done. I think I'll be doing a lot of painting today!
Hurricane Gustav has decided to hang around mid-Missouri again today and has decided to be a more constant presence. Yesterday it rained lightly and at intermittent intervals. Today it is heavy rain and constant. We may just get the flooding that has been predicted. So it is a dreary day around here today. Sarah loves to be outside more than anything and she was really disappointed to see the rain when she got up this morning. "We aren't going to have any fun", she says. ;) I'll have to come up with something fun for her to do with her school work since a nature walk is definately out of the question.
So now we come to goals. I'm a goal setter which leads to a list maker. I set a goal and then make a list with all the steps and/or ideas needed to reach that goal. I have long-term and short-term goals. I think it comes from all that goal setting and list making we had to do in nursing school and as a professional nurse. Yes, I'm an RN. I took an early retirement 7 years ago to be able to stay home with my kiddos.
I digress - back to the goals. I've wanted to make a living from my quilting for over 6 years now, but haven't reached that goal yet. So, I'm re-evaluating that goal to decide if it needs to be ditched or if I need to go about it at a different angle. Longarm quilting alone hasn't been the answer so I'm looking at stretching out and adding different services. Right now I'm in the research stage and looking into alot of different areas of quilting - teaching, appraising, judging, selling quilts, patterns, etc. There are so many options that my head is spinning! You should see the lists I have going now!
Right now I have to come up with some fun projects for Sarah. I think frog puppets and lapbooks will be a good start. We're reading "Frog and Toad Together" and doing a unit on rivers and ponds, therefore the frog puppets. Our field trip to the river will have to wait for another day.


Shirley said…
Hi Susan - I love your landscapes - you have such a great eye for color.

I appreciate the help you have given me on starting my blog -

I really like your quilt holders - do you make them different widths for different sized wall hangings? I think they would look great just about everywhere - I like the idea of the beading at the ends. I like our new background too. Shirley
Susan Loftin said…
Thank you for the compliment on my quilts. I love playing with color.
I do make the wall hangers different sizes. These have a small 1/4" dowel so they can hold a quilt only up to about 24" wide before the hanger starts bowing. I'm testing out larger dowels for larger quilts as well as different treatments for the ends. I'm finding it hard to find beads with holes large enough to hold a larger dowel, so I'm wanting to make my own beads with polymer clay for these. I just haven't gotten around to trying it out yet.

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