More Quilt Hangers

Here's an updated photo of the quilt hanger. I was playing around with more beads and decided to add 2 more beads to one side. I believe these are called rice beads. They are made of wood like the beads I added to cap the ends of the dowel.
I also got out a bottle of acrylic paint this evening and decided to paint the dowel on one of the hangers that I haven't used yet. I like it better than the raw wood. Once it dries I'll hang a quilt on it and photograph it.
I'm still working on the polymer bead idea, but I need to purchase some more clay before I can try out that idea. I thought I had a couple of colors in my craft cart, but it looks like some little hands have gotten ahold of it and taken off with it - who knows where! I'm just hoping I don't find it ground into my carpet somewhere!
I haven't found any glass beads with large enough holes to handle the dowels. Besides, I don't know if there is a way to glue glass to wood sucessfully. Anyway, I still have other ideas floating around in my head; it's just a matter of finding the time to try them all out.


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