Bryce Canyon
When we took a "canyon tour" back in 2006, Bryce Canyon was one of my favorites. I loved the different colored rock formations. The colors ranged from white to terra cotta, and the rock formations were numerous! There were some Hoodoo's and some arches, plus a zillion other formations that I don't know the names of. On top of that, you could see for miles and miles across that canyon! The air was so much clearer than at the Grand Canyon which probably accounted for the visability.
Interpretting this canyon in fabric was difficult for me. So I simplified it - a lot! Here is my simplified interpretation of Bryce Canyon. It is hand appliqued and machine quilted.

Interpretting this canyon in fabric was difficult for me. So I simplified it - a lot! Here is my simplified interpretation of Bryce Canyon. It is hand appliqued and machine quilted.