Kreativ Blogger

Millie has nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Thank you so much Millie.
This award is meant to be passed along and brighten another blogger's day.
When passed along, it is asked that it be passed to 7 more bloggers that you feel are "Kreativ" and that you list 7 things that you, the award recipient, love.
It is so hard to narrow down the bloggers I follow to only 7, but here goes:
Janet - a wonderful fiber artist
Shirley - a tireless fiber arts instructor and owner of a fiberarts teaching group
Sandy - another quilter with limitless talent
Angela - whose talent covers many areas of fiber arts from BOM's to PC's to Art Journal quilts, and she also has a Rhapsody quilt in progress!
Debra - who has a beautiful miniature quilt posted and don't forget to check out all the BOM links on her sidebar
Gudrun - a fellow professional longarm quilter with tons of talent
Gina - another talented quilter from the UK
Please checkout these ladies' blogs - you won't be disappointed!
Seven things that I love:
1. My Saviour
2. My family
3. My pets
4. Quilting
5. Fabric Dyeing
6. Painting
7. Traveling
Love and hugs Gina xxx