Another Day at the Beach

The weather started out mostly sunny yesterday, but we did have a rain shower later in the evening. The waves became rougher during the day, but not enough that we had to stay out of the water.

This is what was left of the sand castle we built the day before. The high tide got some of it, but we just built another one.

I thought this clam shell was interesting. I didn't do much beach combing yesterday - only picked up 2 shells. I was too busy watching the waves keeping an eye out for rip currents while the kids swam. With that sand bar building up, the waves were going all different directions which had me a bit worried. No rip currents, though :D

This is the sunset we saw from our deck last night. This was about an hour before the rain started.


BarbCarol said…
Linked to your site from someone else's. Love your journal of Dauphin Island. I don't like the ocean, but your photos make me long for such a vacation. I have even looked it up on the internet.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

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