Sand, Shells, and Sun

The Gulf waters were a bit calmer yesterday and the air temperatures cooler in the morning. The humidity was down which also helped. DH and DD#2 built on to their sand castle.

I did some beach combing along with DH. These are the shells we found along with some colorful rock.

The pelicans were flying across the water diving into it just beyond the breakers.

My beach umbrella was nice when the sun got intense. During the afternoon, DH and DD#2 rented bicycles and rode down to the west end of the island. There is a bird nesting area there that is roped off so they didn't get as far as they wanted to. I think we're going to take a walk along the beach towards the west end - trying to get a bit further than we did a few days ago. It takes time to walk the distance with DD's who want to stop and look at the clams that are being washed out of their sand beds by the waves.

They are so many different colors they look like little jewels. We put them back at the edge of the waves so they could bury themselves back into the wet sand.


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