A Day of Calm Seas

The sea and surf were calm yesterday and we spent most of our time swimming and beach combing with one quick trip to Ship 'n Shore to pick up a few items. We don't usually collect oyster shells since they are common here and the fact that we have dozens of them at home, but I couldn't resist these pink shells.

This photo shows how much calmer the water was yesterday morning, and the sandbar that is building up. We were able to swim without getting battered about. I injured my knee right when we arrived last week and developed bursitis.The rough waves only aggravate the condition, so I stay out of the water when the waves are rough. The knee is better now but I'm being careful with it.

DD#2 prefers to play in the water, but when we can coax her out she spends her time building sand castles.

Something different we are seeing this year is parasailing. That tiny sickle shape near the center of the photo is the sail. This "sailor" was moving along parallel with the beach at a really fast clip on his surf board. It looks like fun.

Here is a view down the beach from my ususal spot when I'm not in the water - under my beach umbrella! I bring a tote bag with my camera, a beach towel, a bottle of Diet Coke, and a quilting magazine, and spend time reading and taking photos when the DD's are not swimming - or when DH is there to watch them.

The damage of Hurricane Katrina is still evident. There are dozens of empty lots, foundations and broken posts in the water, as well as pieces of iron and rebar sticking up out of the sand near the shore.. We have to be really careful of where we step. Overall we can see the progress that is being made to rebuild, but it takes time. The island was also cut in 2 and the separation hasn't filled in - in fact it is reported to be getting wider. We hope to make a trip to the west end of the island and take a look.


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