Quilting at the Beach

I woke up early this morning to this sunrise! It is really warm and humid out this morning and I had trouble with humidity collecting on my camera lense so the photo is a bit blurry. The beach house we are staying in is the 2nd one from the beach-front. This shot was taken between 2 beach-front properties.

I also took this shot this morning - at 6am - from the deck. The brown sand is the driveway of the house next to us - the beach-front house. We have just a short walk to the beach from here.

Here is another grainy shot taken yesterday at the beach - one of the shore birds looking for his breakfast.

DD#2 and I spent most of the day at the beach. It was cool yesterday with low humidity. In the morning the water was warmer than the air temperature, and once you got out of the water it felt cold! It was actually in the upper 70's. In the afternoon, the air temps shot up to 87 so it was a lot more comfortable to swim. The air temp this morning is already 82, and it is humid! Looks like we'll also see more thunderstorms today.

I haven't completely sworn off quilting these past 2 weeks. I brought along the wholecloth feather sampler I started this summer. Here is one of the blocks I completed yesterday. I switched from Crayola and RoseArt colored pencils to PrismaColor pencils. They put down the color a lot easier so the process is much faster. I used 2 shades of blue and a yellow for this block.

I finished this block Friday. It was colored with RoseArt and Crayola colored pencils. When you compare the 2 blocks above I think you can tell the difference in intensity of the color. I worked a lot longer on this block trying to get a deeper color, but no matter how hard I colored or how many layers I added I just couldn't get the shade any deeper. From now on I'll be using the PrismaColor pencils when I want deep shades. The other pencils are great for a pastel look, though.


Carol said…
Prisma's are great. I've used them for my drawings in the past.
Anonymous said…
Your blog is awesome - where did you find the template or did you design it yourself?
Susan Loftin said…
Thanks Carol and Leigh-Anne.

Leigh-Anne I got the template at ScrappinBlogs.blogspot.com They have a lot of cute templates to download.

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