Dauphin Island Day Two

Our first 2 days on Dauphin Island have been wonderful. We've spent almost all our time on the beach after a short shopping trip for groceries. The island now has internet service and I was able to purchase it by the week! Makes DD#1 very happy :D

This is a photo I took Thursday night at sunset. The water was fairly calm that evening and we had enough time to get in the water and do some beach combing before night fall.

Here is my family yesterday afternoon. We woke up to a heavy surf, so we didn't allow the girls to get into the water in the morning. By afternoon it had calmed down enough to let them go swimming.

Here is a photo for my sister who will be down here in 2 weeks. One of her favorite plants - sea oats! There is a large patch of sea oats across the road from the beach house. This photo was one I took this afternoon as we took a drive down to the east end of the island behind Fort Gaines.

This afternoon - before our trip to the east end of the island - the girls and I saw a ray in the water where we were swimming. DD#2 and I were in the water and I pulled her out when I saw the ray. I don't think the ray would have hurt us, but it was definately feeding, swimming circles around DD#2. We watched the ray for half an hour as it swam circles near the shore. Unfortunately I couldn't get a good photo of it.

We also saw dolphins for the first time this morning. They are usually near the shore every day, but we didn't see them Thursday afternoon after we arrived, or yesterday. There haven't been any shrimp boats around either. Everything is different this trip. I've seen only 4 or 5 seagulls, the shells aren't as plentiful, the ghost crabs are all tiny - dime to quarter sized. I've seen quite a few brown pelicans and blue crabs are abundant near the shore. It will be interesting to see how things change over the next week or so.


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