On the Way Home

Our last day at the beach was overcast with a few quick sprinkles. We spent as much time at the beach as we could, building sand castles, swimming, and beach combing.

These are my last photos of Dauphin Island - for now. I'm sure we'll be back again some time. We're half way home and trying to adjust to views without the ocean right outside our window.

Tomorrow we'll make a stop in West Plains, Missouri to pick up my newly retro-fitted Gammill Classic Plus! I'm also going to purchase the newer "Easy Glider" wheels and an open toe foot as well as a few spare parts for the machine.

I have ideas for new quilts swirling around in my head and am anxious to get started on designing them. I need to try out a few of my ideas in small quilts before committing to a larger quilt. I want to enter a few quilts in MQS again this year, so I need to get started so I can work on them between customer quilts.

The girls are looking forward to seeing their pets again. We had a neighborhood dog on Dauphin Island that came to visit us a few times while we were there. She was a sweet dog and loved to chase the shore birds at the beach. We'll miss you Lulu!


Carol said…
Looks like you had a good time. i've enjoyed looking at the photographs. The plane with the grin is great :)

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