
My Gammill Classic arrived safely at Gammill headquarters yesterday in the back of our van. Everyone at Gammill was so friendly and helpful. Donna took time to show me the new features my machine would have and how to use them. I spent time quilting on the machine in the showroom getting the feel for the machine. It feels a lot different. Donna let my daughters quilt on the machine also. DD #1 is really looking forward to quilting again, and says she doesn't feel as intimidated using a machine with a stitch regulator. She doesn't have to worry about keeping up with the motor speed :)  I think we've got DD #2 hooked now too - she had a blast!

I left the showroom with a new owner's manual, a DVD, and a supply catalog. I'll be going through all 3 of them making a shopping list for our return trip to Gammill Headquarters when we pick up the machine to bring it home. In the meantime - a trip to the beach is in order :D Sun and sand and water, and just relaxing on the beach. Of course shopping is also on the list. I have to find some nice gifts for our housesitter and pet sitter, and something for the DD's and myself, too :D Perhaps I'll find a quilt shop nearby.


vivian said…
I have the stitch regulated Classic. Stitch length is one less thing to think about! When I do dense fillers I turn the stitch regulator off-I think it runs smoother! Enjoy your time with DD's!
I also have the non-stitch-regulated Gammill Classic. Let us know how you like the changes. I think I would like the SR for stitch-in-the-ditch, but I never actually do sid...

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