USS Alabama

With the end of our vacation coming up quickly, we decided we had better make a trip to Mobile to see the USS Alabama since the weather was cooperating yesterday. The weather has been rainy so much of the time that we never know when we'll get drenched.

DH has been to the USS Alabama a couple of times, but the girls and I have never seen it. It was quite impressive in size as well as how they are able to put an entire city in one of these ships. They have everything from a laundry, to a barber shop, to a butcher shop inside that ship.

Several fighter planes are are the park grounds. I liked the painting on this one.

I was surprised to see the wood deck.

A view of Mobile's skyline from the gang plank.

One last shot of the ocean before we leave.

We'll be heading home in the morning. I think I could get used to living here permanently - if that were ever an option!

At least I'll have my newly retro-fitted Gammill Classic Plus to play with when I get home. I'm really looking forward to that! DD#1 is excited about the upgrade, too. I've promised to teach her how to use it and she'll be doing some quilting of her own between my customer quilts. She wants to be my business partner one day :D


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