Hawaiian Quilt Progress and a Finished Double Wedding Ring Quilt

The Hawaiian Quilt top is complete! This is a "big block" quilt pattern by Debbie Bowles. It went together quickly. I made 30 18 inch blocks set 5 x 6 then added a 3 inch outer border. The white fabric is a tone-on-tone that I purchased at a local fabric shop. The remaining fabrics were the ones I purchased in Oahu. The finished quilt size is 96 x 108 inches. I am playing around with quilting designs at this point in time. Hopefully I will get this quilt on the machine next week. In the meantime, I finished a Double Wedding Ring quilt. This was a large top that was given to me by a friend. Her mother had hand pieced this top. It was in good shape and almost perfectly square. I did a lot of ruler work on this top which slowed down the quilting process, but it was worth it.