Wedding Gown Quilt
Here it is! My photography isn't the best. I do wish I had a wall tall enough to hang the quilt and get a good photo, but I don't. This is a photo of the quilt before it was trimmed. It's laying on my bedroom floor on top of a couple of sheets.
This is a close-up view of the freehand Victorian feathers inbetween some of the lace, beading and sequins. The quilt is ivory satin with a silk backing.
This shows one of the filgree hearts I quilted in the upper right-hand corner of the quilt. I used a high loft polyester batting to get the faux-trapunto effect. The background is entirely McTavished.
Do you have many people commission you to do these? I'm interested in having one done for me, but have *no* idea where to begin looking....